Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Plain Sponge Cake

This is just amazing cake to look at, so yummy and sweet to eat. It looks so hard to make but is very much easy to prepare right in your kitchen.

just get the proper materials and right ingredients to use and you are good to go. i so much like this.

Plain Sponge Cake

v ½ cup of sugar
v ½ cup of flour
v 3 large eggs
v ½ tsp vanilla
v 3 tbsp clarified butter (very optional)

N/B:          this cake should be baked in an 8 inch sandwich pan. It is beautiful and delicious when sandwich with whipped cream or jam.

For chocolate layer, use 1 cup flour + ½ cup cocoa powder.
Whisk the eggs and sugar until it is very light and fluffy over seam from a pot of boiling water for over 10 minutes with an electric mixer.

Sift the flour 3 times and fold in gently.
Add flavor as desired.
If you are adding butter, this is when to fold it in with mixture.
Pour the mixture into your prepared greased and floured pans and bake with moderate heat.
Bake until it is lightly golden brown and not sticky when you touch the surface.

see also:
Preparation of Butter Cake
Preparation of Chocolate Cake
Preparation of Coconut Cake
Carrot Cake
Fruit Cake

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